Angel Wings Foundation
Get Involved

Get Involved

Get Involved

We have many opportunities to publicly or privately, raise and distribute funds to any cause, whether it’s a deserving family or other organization. This business model opens many doors for us to expand fundraising activities to fully assist you to realize your charitable giving goals.

Host A Fundraiser Event

If you’re interested in hosting your own fundraiser, our team would love to support you. We will assist you to identify a cause or define a specific need, create the messaging and fundraiser campaign that can be shared with family, friends and business associates.

Nominate a Deserving Family

Do you want to make a difference in the lives of a deserving family or someone needing a bit of help? Here’s your chance to help give back to a friend or family and make their day brighter.

If you don’t have anyone to nominate but still want to contribute, you can donate to directly to Angel Wings Foundation by clicking right here.

For more information or to request a consultation, please reach out.

Cindy “RODEO” Steedle – c: 678-773-8408